This tool allows to create shortcuts of your ROMS or PS1 isos on the XMB, with custom images and manuals in DDS format. XP users should have this already installed (if not, download & install the DLL). PKG, PUP, edat, rap, rif, dat, bin, self, sprx, elf, prx, sfb, psarc, sfo, sfx, thm, hip, his, md5, sha1, sfv, 66600, trp, sfmĪll these tools are Win32 and require the VB5 runtime DLL. Zip archive includes self-extracting RAR archive. PS3 Tools Collection is a collection of Windows tools (over 40 of them) for PS3 which includes: DroidMAN, IRISMAN, DPS3 Edat Tool GUI, Bruteforce Edat, PSP2PS3, PS2 Classics GUI, lastGAME Customizer, Bruteforce Save Data, mmRAS, PKG ContentID, ps3gen patcher, PS3 Game Integrity, PARAM.SFO editor, PS3 File Splitter, PS3RIP, PS3_DISC.SFB edit, PS3 PSARC GUI, BruteForce/SCETool Decrypter, PS3 Cheats Editor, PS3 Game Integrity, mmTM_GUI, Create PS3_EXTRA, TXT to Links.xml, PS3 NET Server GUI, PS3 Keys, netmon and renam. PS3 Tools Collection v2.7.15 is released.